EP13 Hurt Church People, Hurt Church People

Hurt Church People, Hurt Church People. This podcast explores mean spirited Christians and how mean spirited Christians can affect the fellowship within the church. The hosts explore the damage saved people, who are hurting, can damage the fellowship of the church among members and church visitors. It discusses ways to deal with these people using biblical principles that allows their behavior to be confronted while still loving the person. It also offers advice to those who are hurting others but are not aware they are being mean Christians. The hosts explore how someone can be saved and a new creature in Christ but still behave like they are in bondage because of their pain. The discussion will help if you have left a church as a result of a member of the congregation hurting you or you have encountered a mean Christian and it has tainted your view of the church. It will help you put that hurt in perspective and discuss how to not let it derail you from the purpose God has for your life. If you are doing the hurting, the discussion will speak to how you can heal in order to allow you to be used by God to help build His kingdom and stop your destructive behavior.

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