
What We Believe

Everything we do at Mt. Pleasant is based on the teachings of the Bible, and we take seriously God’s command to go and preach the Gospel to all nations, helping individuals to grow into productive disciples for Christ. Our comprehensive roster of ministries is designed to meet the varying spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our members. At Mt. Pleasant we operate under a five-fold ministry:  
The Word 
Matthew 4:4, II Timothy 3:15-16
Matthew 28:18-20
II Timothy 2:2
Christian Education
Ephesians 4:11-15
Acts 2:46-47, Acts 13:1-5, John 4:23-24
We welcome members and visitors alike. To our visitors, we invite you visit us online or whenever our doors are open. To our members, we say thank you for joining us. We encourage you to become Faithful, Available and Teachable in whatever area you choose to participate and serve. At Mt. Pleasant we are “Reaching the World with the Gospel.”

Pastor’s Bio

Pastor Terry D. Streeter

Reverend Terry Daniel Streeter’s lifelong goal is to “Reach the World with the Gospel”.  He is sought after as a preacher, teacher, lecturer, revivalist and retreat leader, rightly dividing the Word of God.  He has preached and taught across the country and in Israel, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. Another goal of Pastor Streeter, as a leader of God’s people, is to lead as many people to Christ as he can and to see them mature as Christians and become productive servants for the Lord. 


He has faithfully pastored the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. since 1989.  Reverend Streeter has a special bond and love for all his members, especially seniors of his church and has a passion to see men take their rightful place as stronger leaders, in their homes, churches and communities.



Reverend Streeter is a Contributor to the book, “Say It!” (Moody Press), where he wrote an article on “The Ministry of Vision” an example of expository preaching from an Old Testament prophetic book.


Reverend Streeter is actively involved in many local religious and civic bodies including the Missionary Baptist Minister’s Conference and the former Chairman of Evangelism for the Baptist Convention of D.C. and Vicinity. Pastor Streeter currently serves as President of the Baptist Educational Congress of D.C. and Vicinity and was its former Dean. He was the former Moderator of the Mount Bethel Baptist Association and is the current President of the Rhode Island Avenue – North Capital Street Ecumenical Council.


On the national level, he is a member of the Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC) and has served as its Chairman of the Board of Christian Education and Publication, Vice-President at Large of the Congress of Christian Education, and is currently the Vice Chairman of the Evangelism Board. 


Reverend Streeter is greatly encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Philippians 3:13, 14, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.”



Rev. Streeter is married to the former Sherl L. Johnson.  They have four children.



Ministry Schedule

Empowerment Hour-8:00 am
Morning Worship-9:00 am
New Member Orientation-9:30 am
Baby Dedications-1st Sunday         
Baptism-3rd Sunday 
Communion-4th Sunday 
Right Hand of Fellowship-4th Sunday 
Prayer Meeting-12:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Senior Bible Study-10:30am
New Member Orientation-7:00 pm
Adult Bible Study-7:00 pm
Mid-Week Manna via (zoom)-8:00 pm
New Member Orientation-9:00 am & 10:15 am
New Member Fast Track-4th Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00pm
Youth Bible Study-1st & 2nd Saturdays 9:00 am
Pastor’s Bible Study-Saturday 9:30 am
Children’s Bible Class-2nd Saturday 9:30 am

Live Broadcasts

Sundays @ 9:00am

Our History

3Mt. Pleasant has been blessed to  have only three pastors: Rev. Robert Anderson, Rev. Sidney Yancey and Rev. Terry D. Streeter, each being diligent in following God’s vision for the church. Mt. Pleasant was born in the mind of the late Rev. Robert Anderson, an individual who had a humble beginning in Orange, Virginia. He started the church as a small mission in 1916 on the corner of 11th and V streets NW Washington, DC. The church was later established in 1918. What started with an original group of only five members has grown into a congregation of more than 1000 members who currently call Mt. Pleasant “home.” Those faithful five will always be remembered: Daisy Frye, Lena Williams, Mildred Johnson, Charles Bradford and Hezekiah Leftwich. All of them faithfully served Mt. Pleasant until they were called to eternal rest. 

Contact Us

Church Information

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 215 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 332-5748
Information: Ext. 52
Fax: (202) 986-0531
Office Hours:
8:30 am – 5 pm (M – F)
8 am – 1 pm (Sat)
Email: mtplbaptchurch@aol.comBECOME A NEW MEMBER HERE!

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