Our History

Being a growing congregation early on, Mt. Pleasant outgrew its space and found a new home at 1106 W Street NW. There the church experienced many blessings and some tribulation, specifically the severe fire of 1925 that caused significant damage to the building and total loss of the organ. But the congregation persevered. Repairs and upgrades were made, and membership steadily increased. So much so, that in 1950 the board voted to buy a larger church located at 215 Rhode Island Avenue NW. The church relocated in 1952. Sadly, Rev. Anderson did not live to witness the mortgage burning services in May 1964.
Following Rev. Anderson, Rev. Sidney T. Yancey served as acting pastor until his installation on May 30, 1965. He was known as a young man with a humble, cooperative and determined spirit, who wanted to continue to build a better House of God. He served with dignity and pride. Under his leadership the church experienced major renovations and upgrades, along with significant spiritual, numerical and financial growth. Among the congregants benefiting from his spiritual leadership was a young man named Terry Streeter, who in later years would become the third pastor.
Pastor Terry D. Streeter has faithfully served and led Mt. Pleasant since November 1989. Under his leadership the church has been transformed into a multi-ministry, multi-staffed church. Committed to a five-fold ministry of Evangelism, Discipleship, Christian Education, Worship and The Word, Mt. Pleasant continues to experience tremendous growth in spirit and in number.